Public Transportation and Mathematics:

A class activity involving experimentation, statistics, and network optimization


Site Contact Information:

Mr. Ron Hamlin

UGA Campus Transit System

(706) 369 — 6220

Field Trip:

Necessary arrangements included

    1. Choosing a day when all buses were on route
    2. Choosing a time when all buses were on route
    3. Choosing a place where the majority of buses make stops
    4. Arranging for a guest speaker
    5. Reserving a room for the guest speaker
    6. Creating an experimentation sheet
    7. Obtaining stopwatches

The class was divided into as many as six groups, one group for each of the bus routes that stop at either the Tate Center or Memorial Hall. Each group was given a worksheet, a stopwatch, and assigned a specific route. The worksheet instructed the group as to how many buses were on that route and how far apart the buses should be.

The group then needed to wait for the first bus on their route to come to their stop. When the bus arrived, a member of the group needed to ask the driver of that first bus for their mileage. After the bus pulled away from the stop, the timer on the stopwatch was started. When the next bus came to the stop, the time interval was written on the worksheet and the timer was to be started over until the next bus came to the stop.

This would continue until the first bus came back to the stop, thus completing a full round. A member of the group then needed to ask the driver of that first bus again their mileage.

Depending on time allowed, groups could then switch and time another route. If there is not enough time, students can trade information later so everyone has a completed worksheet.

The next page is a homework or next day assignment. It asks students to thinking not only mathematically, but also logically. Students can either be asked to complete the entire worksheet or just the parts that related to their specific experiments.

The purpose of this lesson is to tie in mathematics to the experiment and lecture that took place the previous day. This assignment also gets students prepared to start learning about the upcoming lessons.

Lesson 1 ~ Assignment based on Experiment:

Deals with basic mathematical and logical thinking skills

  1. If there are three buses on the Russell Hall route and they run seven minutes apart, how long does it take one bus to make one round?
  2. If one of the Russell Hall buses runs from 7:00 a.m. until 6:12 p.m., how many rounds has it made during the course of the day?
  3. If the Russell Hall route is 2.25 miles, that is one round is 2.25 miles, how many miles does the bus in question two go in a day?
  4. If this bus runs five days a week, for thirty weeks (the length of a school year), approximately how many miles would it go during that year?
  5. Complete questions 1 through 4 using the data from your experiment. How do your answers compare?
  6. If there are four buses on the East — West route and they run seven minutes apart, how long does it take one bus to make one round?
  7. If one of the East — West buses runs from 7:00 a.m. until 6:12 p.m., how many rounds has it made during the course of the day?
  8. If the East — West route is 3.5 miles, how many miles does the bus in question five go in a day?
  9. If this bus runs five days a week, for thirty weeks (the length of a school year), approximately how many miles would it go during that year?
  10. Complete questions 6 through 9 using the data from your experiment. How do your answers compare?

  12. If there are three buses on the Family Housing route and they run fifteen minutes apart, how long does it take one bus to make one round?
  13. If one of the Family Housing buses runs from 7:00 a.m. until 6:15 p.m., how many rounds has it made during the course of the day?
  14. If the Family Housing route is 4.9 miles, how many miles does the bus in question eight go in a day?
  15. If this bus runs five days a week, for thirty weeks (the length of a school year), approximately how many miles would it go during that year?
  16. Complete questions 11 through 14 using the data from your experiment. How do your answers compare?
  17. If there are seven buses on the Orbit route and they run five minutes apart, how long does it take one bus to make one round?
  18. If one of the Orbit buses runs from 7:00 a.m. until 6:05 p.m., how many rounds has it made during the course of the day?
  19. If the Orbit route is 4.2 miles, how many miles does the bus in question eleven go in a day?
  20. If this bus runs five days a week, for thirty weeks (the length of a school year), approximately how many miles would it go during that year?
  21. Complete questions 16 through 19 using the data from your experiment. How do your answers compare?
  22. If there are five buses on the North — South route and they run five minutes apart, how long does it take one bus to make one round?
  23. If one of the North — South buses runs from 7:00 a.m. until 6:15 p.m., how many rounds has it made during the course of the day?
  24. If the North — South route is 2.9 miles, how many miles does the bus in question fourteen go in a day?
  25. If this bus runs five days a week, for thirty weeks (the length of a school year), approximately how many miles would it go during that year?
  26. Complete questions 21 through 24 using the data from your experiment. How do your answers compare?
  27. If there are four buses on the Milledge Avenue route and they run six minutes apart, how long does it take one bus to make one round?
  28. If one of the Milledge Avenue buses runs from 7:00 a.m. until 6:12 p.m., how many rounds has it made during the course of the day?
  29. If the Milledge Avenue route is 3.7 miles, how many miles does the bus in question seventeen go in a day?
  30. If this bus runs five days a week, for thirty weeks (the length of a school year), approximately how many miles would it go during that year?
  31. Complete questions 26 through 29 using the data from your experiment. How do your answers compare?
  32. What are some factors that would cause a bus to arrive early or late to a bus stop?
  33. Campus Transit has asked for suggestions for a new route. Using the information from the guest speaker and a campus map, be creative and invent a new route. Explain why your route has been constructed this way.




The Department of Mathematics Education
University of Georgia