EMAT 6500 Connections in Secondary Mathematics
Summer Semester 2014

Last modified on April 22, 2014

(Statement required by the University!!)

A course syllabus is a general plan for the course; deviations announced to the class by the instructor may be necessary.


Course: EMAT 6500 Connections in Secondary Mathematics


James W. Wilson
110F Aderhold Hall
Telephone (706) 542-4552

FAX (706) 542-4551

Teaching Assistant



Office hours: I maintain an open door policy for office hours. I come to the office early each morning (usually 7:30 to 8:00) and if I am not tied up in a meeting or talking to another student I am available to you.

Prerequisites for EMAT 6500: MATH 2210 or 2260. If you have not studied differential and inferential calculus, discuss the situation with me.



Course Description.

The underlying theme for this course is to explore Mathematical Knowledge for Secondary Teaching.      The word "understanding" better conveys the point of view I want to encourage than the word "knowledge."    Therefore I am adopting the theme of the Situations Project to focus on Mathematical Understanding for Secondary Teaching (MUST). 

The goal here is to develop a strategy for mathematics teachers to develop the depth and breadth of mathematics study for teaching secondary mathematics.


Course Assignments

There is no textbook. Course materials are on or linked to the EMAT 6500 web site at


Some materials will be distributed in class.

Grades and Requirements



UGA Academic Honesty Policy

The University of Georgia seeks to promote and ensure academic honesty and personal integrity among students and other members of the University Community. A policy on academic honesty has been developed to serve these goals. All members of the academic community are responsible for knowing the policy and procedures on academic honesty.

As a University of Georgia student, you have agreed to abide by the University’s academic honesty policy, “A Culture of Honesty,” and the Student Honor Code. All academic work must meet the standards described in “A Culture of Honesty” found at: Lack of knowledge of the academic honesty policy is not a reasonable explanation for a violation. Questions related to course assignments and the academic honesty policy should be directed to the instructor.


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