Herons Formula


Let a,b,c be the sides of a triangle, and let A be the area of the triangle.  Heron's formula states that A^2 = s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c), where s = (a+b+c)/2.  
Here's one derivation:
Consider the general triangle with edge lengths a,b,c shown below:

We have  a = u+v,  b^2 = h^2+u^2,  c^2 = h^2+v^2.  Subtracting the second from the third gives u^2-v^2 = b^2-c^2.  Dividing both sides by a = u+v, we have u-v = (b^2-c^2)/a.  Adding u+v = a to both sides and solving for u gives:
Taking h = sqrt(b^2-u^2) we have:
which is equivalent to Heron's formula.  Factoring out 1/4, this gives three different ways of expressing (2ab)^2 - (a^2+b^2-c^2)^2 as a difference of two squares.  Equivalently, it gives three different factorizations of 16A^2, each of the form
           16A^2  =   [(a+b)^2 - c^2] [c^2 - (a-b)^2]            
Factoring each of these terms gives the explicitly symmetrical form 
           16A^2  =   (a+b+c)(a+b-c)(c-a+b)(c+a-b)               
so if we define s=(a+b+c)/2 we can rewrite the first equation as:
which is the area formula as given by Heron.

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