Essay 3

Site Planning Activities

Marianne Parsons

The following activities were initially developed for the Mathematics-at-Work Project in EMAT 6450, Math in Context, Spring 2005. Roy Jones and I worked together to choose a workplace in the community for our class to visit and then explore the mathematical concepts use in that particular industry through activities.

My personal background in Architecture led us to choose a local Architecture and Engineering Firm. The site planning activities that follow are based on mathematical applications we discovered, and are designed to help secondary students make important connections between mathematical concepts and real world applications.

By integrating technology into these lessons, with the use of Geometer's Sketchpad, students have the opportunity to explore these mathematical concepts visually. Students will work in small groups and then collectively discuss and analyze their findings through these visual materials.

Mathematics At Work

The following describes our chosen workplace, and the mathematics commonly used in the Architecture and Engineering Industry.

Architecture, Engineering, and Mathematics


Site Planning Activities

Phase I - Cut and Fill

Site Planning Phase I, Cut and Fill, is the first part of this lesson and explores mathematical concepts such as area and volume using a realistic building site development project. Through site excavation, students will discover and analyze the necessary volume of land to be moved for the cut and fill process on a given site.

Lesson Overview - includes a summary of lesson prerequisites, difficult concepts, lesson goals, the activity, and possible extensions

Cut and Fill Activity - introduction to cut and fill and the student activity

Homework Problem - exploring topography


Phase II - Maximum Buildable Area

The second activity allows students to continue the site planning investigation. Site Planning Phase II, Maximum Buildable Area, explores mathematical constraints using a realistic building site development project. Students will draw their findings to scale on the site drawing by hand or using Geometer's Sketchpad. Through mathematical concepts, calculation, and the site drawing, students will discover and analyze the maximum buildable area on a given site.

Lesson Overview - includes a summary of lesson prerequisites, difficult concepts, lesson goals, the activity, and possible extensions

Maximum Buildable Area Activity - introduction to zoning constraints and the student activity

Homework Problem - exploring scale

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