Day 3 Lesson Plan


This is a lesson intended to give students an opportunity to analyze the data collected from day 2 and homework 2 by using Fathom. Students will add the data they collected for homework 2 to the teacher made survey from day 2 and use Fathom to do an analysis of the data.


The student will:

1. add the data they collected for homework 2 to the teacher made survey from day 2.
2. use Fathom to decide the best method for analyzing the data.
3. determine if sample size effects the data analysis.
4. notice patterms in their data using Fathom.
5. make conjectures based on these patterns.
6. learn how to create a survey using Fathom.


This lesson is intended for a sixth grade class.

Prerequisite Skills

The student should be able to:

1. enter information into a given technology program.
2. navigate the mathematics program.

Materials Needed

at least one laptop per group
Fathom installed on each laptop


Technology Connection:


The activity will spark interest in the topic at hand. The golden ratio is present in many aspects in the world around us, including nature. Thus, we want them to grasp the fact that this is something they can use in practical ways. We chose the golden ratio for measurement, data collections, and analysis because it is meaningful mathematics for the students. We feel that it will be interesting to relate this mathematical concept to the world around them.

Students are put into groups to facilitate discourse within groups. One students insight could help another student understand a concept or idea. The tables and graphs that the students create in Fathom provide a visual representation of their data. The importance of technology is evident in this lesson with the ease of analysis in Fathom. This can help students in other data analysis endeavors.

When day 3 is completed, students should feel competent in the organization and analysis of data. The homework for day 3 should give students an opportunity to reflect on the unit and the golden ratio that is all around.


Students will be assessed on completion of lesson. Each student's reflection will be collected and read to determine student understanding. Students will also be assessed informally during class discussions. The teacher can get a general idea of the ability of the students to recognize patterns in data and analyze these patterns with the use of a computer program. The teacher should look for participation, involvement, class discussion, and being on task.


An evaluation of day 3 will be completed after the lesson has been taught. The following criteria will be evaluated; time management, behavioral modifications, student interest, and technology effectiveness.


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