Assignment #11

Polar Equations




Victor L. Brunaud-Vega







1. Investigate



*       When a and b are equal, and  k  is  an

      integer, this is one textbook version of

      the "n-leaf rose."


*       Compare with


For various k. What if . . . cos( ) is replaced with sin( )?







Let us start graphing the first equation   r= a + b * cos (kŻ)






It looks like a peach!  But that is not relevant.  But I have no clues, just questions: what is controlled by the parameter a? And b?  What happens if we give several values to k?






What happens if we give different values to k?  The picture a right shows the effect, the flower mentioned in class.


What is controlled by the parameter k?





This is frustrating.  Let us try keeping b=1 and k=1, and giving different values to a.  I tried a range between -3 and 3, and the result is amazing.  As you can see in the set of pictures below, if a=3 or a=-3, the graph shows a circumference centered in (1,0).


Here is a movie showing the entire sequence.


 It looks like a controls the radius of the circumference and probably b controls the center of the circumference.




















Let us try now keeping a=1 and k=1, and giving different values to b.



Here is a movie showing the whole sequence.






There is a displacement of the center through the x axis as the value of a changes.






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