Here are some helpful scripts for Geometer's Sketchpad.

If you own a copy of Geometer's Sketchpad, you can download any of the .gsp files and use the scripts yourself.

Circle Tools             Triangle Tools           Polygon Tools           Segment Tools           Misc. Tools


Circle Tools
A gsp file containing all the Circle Tools can be downloaded here.

CircleBy3Points Given three points, construct a circle such that those three points are on the circle.


CircleBy3Tangents Given six points (two on each of three lines), construct a circle that is tangent to each of those three lines. In this case, no pair of the tangent lines can be parallel.


& CommonExternalTangent2
Given the centers of two circles and points on them (in the order center-point-center-point), construct a line which is tangent to both circles on the "outside," and construct the points of tangency. (1 constructs one of the common external tangents; 2 constructs the other)


& CommonInternalTangent2
Given the centers of two circles and points on them (in the order center-point-center-point), construct a line which is tangent to both circles on the "inside," and construct the points of tangency. (1 constructs one of the common internal tangents; 2 constructs the other)


TangentCircleAtPoint Given the centers of two circles and points on them (in the order center-point-center-point), construct a circle which is tangent to both circles, and which is tangent to the first circle at a changeable point.


TangentThroughPoint Given the center of a circle, a point on the circle, and another point, construct a line tangent to the circle through the given point, and construct the point of tangency.


Circle Tools             Triangle Tools           Polygon Tools           Segment Tools           Misc. Tools

Triangle Tools
A gsp file containing all the Triangle Tools can be downloaded here.

Centroid Given 3 vertices of a triangle, construct its medians and centroid.


Circumcenter Given 3 vertices of a triangle, construct its sides' perpendicular bisectors and its circumcenter.


Circumcircle Given 3 vertices of a triangle, construct its circumcircle (the circle through the vertices, with the circumcenter as its center).
(Note: This script is identical to the CircleThrough3Points script in Circle Tools)


CircumOrthoIncentersCentroid Given 3 vertices of a triangle, construct its circumcenter, orthocenter, incenter, and centroid.


EulerLine Given 3 vertices of a triangle, construct its Euler Line (through the centroid, circumcenter, and orthocenter).


Incenter Given 3 vertices of a triangle, construct its angle bisectors and incenter.


Incircle Given 3 vertices of a triangle, construct its incircle (the circle which touches each side, and has the incenter as its center).


Isosceles Given 2 points defining the base and a segment whose length is the desired length of the altitude, construct an isosceles triangle.


MedialTriangle Given 3 vertices of a triangle, construct its medial triangle.


MidsegTriangle Given 3 vertices of a triangle, construct its orthocenter, connect the vertices to the orthocenter, and create a triangle whose vertices are the midpoints of those segments.


NinePointCircle Given 3 vertices of a triangle, construct the circle (and the center of the circle) which passes through:
a) the feet of the three altitudes,
b) the midpoints of each side,
c) the midpoints of the segments connecting each vertex with the orthocenter.


OrthicTriangle Given 3 vertices of a triangle, construct its orthic triangle.


Orthocenter Given 3 vertices of a triangle, construct its altitudes and orthocenter.


PedalTriangle Given 3 vertices of a triangle and another point, construct the pedal triangle.


TriangleFromSides Given the endpoints of three segments and one vertex of a new triangle (as well as another point to define the direction of one side of the new triangle), construct a triangle whose side lengths are the same as the lengths of those segments (if possible).


Circle Tools             Triangle Tools           Polygon Tools           Segment Tools           Misc. Tools

Polygon Tools
A gsp file containing all the Polygon Tools can be downloaded here.

Equilateral Given adjacent vertices, construct an equilateral triangle.


Hexagon Given adjacent vertices, construct a hexagon.


Octagon Given adjacent vertices, construct an octagon.


PentagonRadius Given the endpoints of a radius of the circumscribed circle, construct a pentagon.


PentagonSide Given adjacent vertices, construct a pentagon.


Square Given adjacent vertices, construct a square.


Circle Tools             Triangle Tools           Polygon Tools           Segment Tools           Misc. Tools

Segment Tools
A gsp file containing all the Segment Tools can be downloaded here.

GoldenRatio Given the endpoints of a line segment, divide the segments into two shorter segments whose ratio is the golden ratio.
(This construction came from


TrisectSegment Given the endpoints of a line segment, trisect the segment.


Circle Tools             Triangle Tools           Polygon Tools           Segment Tools           Misc. Tools

Misc. Tools
A gsp file containing all the Misc. Tools can be downloaded here.

LocusVertexSubtend Given the endpoints of a segment, and three points defining an angle, construct the locus (which is a circle) of the vertex of an angle of the given measure subtending the given segment.


Circle Tools             Triangle Tools           Polygon Tools           Segment Tools           Misc. Tools

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