Oktay Mercimek, EMAT 6690

Step 5: Ellipse and Hyperbola

To be able to construct Ellipse and Hyperbola in GSP, we need to know geometric definition of ellipses.

Ellipse is the locus of points on a plane where the sum of the distances from any point on the curve to two fixed points is constant. The two fixed points are called foci (plural of focus).

Hyperbola is the locus of points where the difference in the distance to two fixed points (called the foci) is constant.

Ellipse Construction:

Image 1

According to geometric definition of the ellipse, and this equation must hold for any point on the ellipse.

Image 2

So is also true for point D.

Let's think about how we can use this fixed distance d. and draw rays and

Image 3

Then we can think that segment can be added to segment on ray , and segment can be added to segment on ray .

Image 4

so and

Therefore . Since C and D are any points on the ellipse, we can conclude that points that similar to   will be on the circle centered at point with radius d.

Image 5

Now lets turn to starting point and the definition of the ellipse. What we have at the beginning are two foci and a fixed distance d.

    Image 6

What we learned that Point must be on the circle that is centered at Point

Image 7 : ElliCon3.gsp

Now problem is finding the points on the ellipse, e.g. point C. We don't know where the point C is, however we know that is a isosceles triangle (see image 5) and we know the base of this triangle, segment .

Image 8

Then point C must be on the perpendicular bisector of segment .

Image 9 : ElliCon5.gsp

Therefore locus of point C will be the points on the ellipse

Image 10: ElliCon6.gsp

Reflection Properties of Ellipse:

At this point we can discuss the reflection properties of the ellipse. As we learned in the parabola page, an important hint about determining reflection property is finding isosceles triangles i the GSP construction. We already said that is a isosceles triangle. Lets construct tis triangle by creating the ray .

Image 11 : Ellicon7.gsp

We know is a isosceles triangle and EC is perpendicular bisector of this triangle. then we conclude that (*)

We also know and (**)

From (*) and (**), we conclude that

Image 12

Inside Reflection Property:

Image 13: Ellicon10.gsp

Outside Reflection Property:

Image 14: ElliCon11.gsp



Hyperbola Construction:

Construction of the hyperbola is very similar to construction of the ellipse.

Image 15: HypCons1.gsp

This is a sketch from ellipse construction. As we know, E is the midpoint of segment , and CE is the perpendicular bisector of this segment. Then  is an isosceles triangle. Download HpyCons1.gsp file and Drag point outside of the circle.

Image 16

Now drag point along the circle and observe the change of locus of point C. Do you see anything special?

  is still an isosceles triangle and segment is the radius of the circle. Lets trace point C to see what is happening.

Image 17: "Trace of Point C" , HypCons2.gsp

As you can see, Point C doesn't have to be nearer to Point , and what we said before still holds.

is an isosceles triangle and . so for every different Point along the circle.

According to geometric definition of the Hyperbola, locus of the Point C is defines the hyperbola.

 Image 18:Locus of the Point C


Reflection Properties of Hyperbola:

Since we constructed hyperbola using isosceles triangles, determining the reflection properties of the hyperbola will not be difficult

Image 19: HypCons5.gsp

, and


Image 20: Inside the Hyperbola, HypCons5.gsp

Image 21: Outside the Hyperbola, HypCons6.gsp

Last sketch will play a key role in our next project.


Cassegrain Telescope Design in GSP:

On the parabola page, we learned that parabola collects light rays, which are perpendicular to its directrix, on the focus. When we need to construct a telescope, collecting light rays at one point is enough. Additionally this point must be outside of the telescope. Newton used a flat mirror to move this point out side of the telescope. Laurent Cassegrain made a similar telescope but he used a hyperbolic mirror instead of flat mirror.

To understand this telescope better, we will examine the second reflection property (image 21) of the hyperbola.

To do that, we will trace the ray CT on the image 21 when point in on the right half of the circle.

Image 22:  HypCons7.gsp

Imagine that we have only right side of the hyperbola as a mirror. Trace of rayCT is similar to light rays collected by parabola at its focus.

Now lets trace the rays which is a reflecting part of ray TC.

Image 23:  HypCons8.gsp

What hyperbolic mirror made is simply it collected the light rays, which comes toward its one focus, at the other focus.

To demonstrate this property we will use only one side of the circle. which will enable construct only one side of the hyperbola.

Image 24: Hypcons10.gsp

Now we can go to the next step

 Click here to go to Step 6: Cassegrain Telescope.

Turn Back to Step 4 : Newton Telescope

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