Lesson Plan:
Day 3:
Warm-up Activity: ( 5 minutes)
Look over their house plans. Make sure that everything is included
rooms and units.
Discussion: (5 minutes)
Discuss today's exercise. Using GSP they will draw out there own house
Exercise: (55 minutes)
Using the house plan that they drew for homework (display house plan
from yesterday for an example in GSP
Exercises), the student will draw
out this plan on geometer’s sketchpad? The scale should be 1 cm =
1 ft (the coordinate system is marked at 1 cm increments).
Also the rooms must be labeled
and dimensions clearly shown. Calculate the area and perimeter of
the rooms and the entire house.
Wrap-up: (10 minutes)
As the "ticket out the door" all
calculations should be completed. The student’s should also have
calculated the square footage of the
entire house (area). Take the area of the house and calculate an
estimated cost to build their house. (Should be given an average cost
per square foot for example $75 per square foot on a 2000 square foot
house would be $150,000).
Any calculations that were not finished should be completed for
homework. Also read the worksheet for the activity for next class
Georgia Performance Standards Implemented:
NCTM Principles and Standards Implemented:
to Explorations of Area and Perimeter