Assignment 11

For this assignment, I chose to write up problem number three:

Note: The parameter k is called the "eccentricity" of these conics. It is usually called "e" but for many software programs e is a constant and can not be set as a variable.

After experimenting with the graphs of these equations with different values of k and p for a while, I developed the following conjectures:


The following three tables outlines some other patterns that I noticed while experimenting with graphs of these equations. There is one table for each conic section:

When |k| > 1

sin &theta

  • intersects the x-axis at pk and -pk

  • intersects the x-axis at pk and -pk
cos &theta

  • intersects the y-axis at pk and -pk


  • intersects the y-axis at pk and -pk



When |k| = 1 (parabola)

|k| > 1
sin &theta

  • intersects the x-axis at pk and -pk


  • intersects the x-axis at pk and -pk


cos &theta

  • intersects the y-axis at pk and -pk


  • intersects the y-axis at pk and -pk



When |k| < 1 (ellipse)

|k| > 1
sin &theta

  • intersects the x-axis at pk and -pk


  • intersects the x-axis at pk and -pk


cos &theta

  • intersects the y-axis at pk and -pk


  • intersects the y-axis at pk and -pk

