Becoming a Teacher of Statistics



Susan Sexton


Reflective Piece



Probability and Statistics for Secondary Teachers

STAT 6070

University of Georgia

Fall 2007

Instructor: Christine Franklin




Chance, B. (2002). Components of statistical thinking and implications for instruction and assessment. Journal of Statistics Education, 10, Article 3. Retrieved October 23, 2007, from





This paper focuses on a third arm of statistical development: statistical thinking. After surveying recent definitions of statistical thinking, implications for teaching beginning students (including non-majors) are discussed. Several suggestions are given for direct instruction aimed at developing Òhabits of mindÓ for statistical thinking in students. The paper concludes with suggestions for assessing studentsÕ ability to think statistically. While these suggestions are primarily aimed at non-majors, many statistics majors would also benefit from further development of these ideas in their undergraduate education.

            Chance addresses Òthe third arm of statistical development: statistical thinkingÓ (Introduction section, para 1). She examines a variety of proposed definitions located in research literature and how to teach and assess statistical thinking.

            Chance identifies characteristics of novice statisticians as those who accept statistical information blindly, who have a narrow conception of different components of statistics, and who lack the experience to successfully evaluate and critically analyze statistical information developed from data. Alternatively, characteristics of expert statisticians include having a broader perspective when solving statistical problems, rely on experience in critically thinking and analyzing statistical information and question statistical results.

            Thus the authorÕs suggestions of effective teaching strategies that can help students become more like statisticians are beneficial to any statistics teacher. She urges teachers to begin with data collection methods (as opposed to computation of statistical models). She also suggests that teachers provide students with many experiences (i.e. projects), broken into mini-steps, in which the teacher gives constant feedback for the student to reflect upon and use in the next step of the process. Finally, Chance urges statistics teachers to Òassess what you valueÓ (paragraph 1, sec 4).

            The suggestions provided by Chance and the examples she uses to illustrate her points are beneficial for all mathematics teachers, regardless of topic taught. Time and again, assessing conceptual understanding and stressing the overarching conceptual goals and themes has proven to be an important and critical issue in the teaching and learning of all areas of mathematics, including statistics.

