This was the case with
the old high wheel bicycles except that the pedals controlled the front
wheel. Since every pedal rotation resulted in one rotation of the large
wheel, these bicycles would have required forceful pedal strokes to move
forward, even on level ground.
again at the modern bike, if a chain ring is paired with a smaller cog
wheel, the rear wheel turns more for each turn of the pedals. The rider
then covers more distance for each turn. This would be good for
increasing speed or for traveling along easy terrain. However,
when traveling up an incline the rider can change the gear ratio so
that for each turn of the pedals less distance is covered.
This reduces the force required to turn the pedals since less
work is accomplished with each turn. Using a larger cog wheel
allows the force to be spread over a greater time making the pedaling
more manageable. |  |