Assignment 12 Problem 1 for Kanita DuCloux

For this assignment, I will construct a graph of a function y = f(x) by generating a table of values with the x values in one column and the y values in the another.

The following table contins the generated values and the y values from the functions.

-10 102 0.000911881965554516
-9 83 0.00247875217666636
-8 66 0.00673794699908547
-7 51 0.0183156388887342
-6 38 0.0497870683678639
-5 27 0.135335283236613
-4 18 0.367879441171442
-3 11 1
-2 6 2.71828182845905
-1 3 7.38905609893065
0 2 20.0855369231877
1 3 54.5981500331442
2 6 148.413159102577
3 11 403.428793492735
4 18 1096.63315842846
5 27 2980.95798704173
6 38 8103.08392757538
7 51 22026.4657948067
8 66 59874.1417151978
9 83 162754.791419004
10 102 442413.39200892

The second column contains values from the function y = x^2 + 2 and the third column contains values from the function

y = exp(x+3).


The following graph is a line graph.

The following graph is a histogram.
