This write up is for Assignment 5.
Creating and Using Geometer's Sketchpad Scripts
and Tools
Brad Simmons
This page contains a list of GSP scripts
that can be examined and used for other GSP investigations, explorations,
or any GSP sketch.
- Centroid
- Orthocenter
- Circumcenter
- Circumcircle
- Incenter
- Incircle
- Medial triangle
- Orthocenter, Mid-segment triangle
- Orthic triangle
- Pedal triangle
- Center of Nine point circle
- Nine Point Circle
- Trisecting a line segment
- Equilateral triangle, given a side
- Square, given a side
- Isosceles triangle, given base and altitude
- Triangle Centers (H, G, C, and I)
- Triangle Centers with Euler Line
- Locus of vertex of a fixed angle that subtends a fixed
- Divide a segment AB into two parts that form a golden
- Pentagon, given a radius
- Pentagon, given a side
- Hexagon, given a side
- Octagon, given a side
- Common External Tangents to two given circles
- Common Internal Tangents to two given circles