EMAT 6700

by Brad Simmons

Triangle Challenges

Use geometer's sketchpad help solve the triangle problems below.

1.  Given segment BE is congruent to segment BF, angle BFG is congruent to angle BEF and angle BED.  Given angle BFE = 82 and ABFG and BCDE each have opposite sides parallel and congruent.

Find the measure of angle ABC.

Please click here for a geometer's sketchpad sketch of the figure above.

2.  Given segment AC is congruent to segment AD, and segment AB is perpendicular to segment BD.  Given the measure of angle DAC = 44 and segment CE bisects angle ACD.

Find the measure of angle DEC.

Please click here for a geometer's sketchpad sketch of the figure above.

3.  Given the measure of angle N = 120, segment JN is congruent to segment MN, and triangle JNM is congruent to triangle KLM.

Find the measure of angle JKM.

Please click here for a geometer's sketchpad sketch of the figure above.
