EMAT 6700

by Brad Simmons


Use geometer's sketchpad construct a rhombus.

Construct a Rhombus.

1.  Construct a segment AD.

  2.  Select point A and segment AD.  Construct circle by center and radius.

   3.  Construct a point on circle A and label it point B.

4.  Select circle A.  Hide the circle.  Select point B and segment AD.  Construct circle by center and radius.  Select point D and segment AD.  Construct circle by center and radius.  

4.  Construct the point of intersection of circle B and circle D.  Label the point of intersection point C.

5.  Select circle B and circle D.  Hide the circles.  Select point A and point B.  Construct segment AB.  Select point B and point C.  Construct segment BC.  Select point C and point D.  Construct segment CD.

Since all four sides are congruent, quadrilateral ABCD is a rhombus.

Please click here for a geometer's sketchpad sketch that can be manipulated.
