EMAT 6680 - Assignment 5

by Mary Bruce

The following are scripts that can be used to generate constructions with Geometer's Sketchpad.  In each script you must start with the given in order for GSP to properly construct the drawing.

1.  Centroid

2.  Orthocenter

3.  Circumcenter

4.  Circumcircle

5.  Incenter

6.  Incircle

7.  Medial Triangle

8.  Orthic Triangle

9.  Pedal Triangle

10.  Center of Nine Point Circle

11.  Nine Point Circle

12.  Trisecting a Line Segment

13.  Equilateral Triangle, given a side

14.  Square, given a side

15.  Isosceles Triangle, given base and altitude

16.  Triangle Centers (H, G, C and I)

17.  Triangle Centers with Euler Line
18.  Divide a segment AB into two parts that form a golden ratio

19.  Hexagon, given a side

20.  Tangent Circle to Two Circles


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