Area of Circles


Troy Morris

The area of a circle is a bit different than that of polygons in the fact that it is round. However, the area is still measured in square units.

To find the area of a circle, the Greek symbol II ( pi ) is used in the formula Area = pi x radius^2. Pi is approximately 3.14. The radius of a circle is the distance from the center of the circle to the edge, as shown below in circle A.

Problems: Areas of Circles

1) The radius of a circle is 5 ft., what is the area?

2) The diameter of a circle is 20 in., what is the area?

3) The area of a circle is 520 square meters, what is the radius?

4) The circumference of a circle is 20 yards, find the radius.

5) The circumference of a circle is 36 feet, find the area.