
by Rives Poe

This unit plan is designed to provide students with an in-depth study of angles.

Students will learn how to:

*name and identify parts of an angle

*find the measure, draw and classify angles

*find the measure of an angle and the bisector of the angle

*identify and use adjacent,complementary, supplementary, congruent, vertical, and linear pairs of angles

*identify, use properties of, and construct perpendicular lines and segments.

Day 1:

Students will become familiar with the definition of angle. They will label and identify angles in different ways. Click here for GSP sketch. Next students will explore the concept of exterior and interior parts of the angle. Click here.

Day 2:

Students will use protractors to determine angle measures. Before beginning have students estimate angle size on this GSP sketch. Introduce the terms acute, obtuse, or right.

Day 3:

Today students will investigate the Angle Addition Postulate. GSP Sketch Also discuss angle bisectors

Day 4:

Define the terms adjacent angles and linear pair. have students practice with different sketches to determine if the angles are adjacent or if they form linear pairs.

Day 5:

Review and quiz on unit so far. You could use GSP. Example quiz on GSP

day 6:

Introduce complementary and supplementary angles. Have students determine dgree measures of angles.

Day 7:

Congruent Angles. Define congruent angles and introduce vertical angles. Students can use GSP to explore this concept further. GSP

Day 8:

Review all concepts covered tus far. QUIZ on adjacent and complementary angles, veritcial angles, and measuring angles.

Day 9:

Review for Assessment.

Allow students time to ask questions and use GSP to review all of the concepts.

Day 10:



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