Irrational Squares

by Tee Barron

Objective: Students will discover and analyze various squares in GSP.

Description: This activity uses GSP and is appropriate for a middle school geometry unit as a discovery and analysis activity.


1. If two fiugres have the same areas, do they necessaryily have the same perimeters? Verify your answer by clicking here to manipulate the GSP illustration below.

2. If two figures have the same perimeters, do they necessarily have the same areas? Verify your answer by clicking here to manipulate the GSP illustration below.

3. Can you construct squares of the following areas on GSP? List the lengths of the sides of those that are possible.



If yes, length of one side

 1 sq unit

 2 sq units

 3 sq units

 4 sq units

 5 sq units

 6 sq units

 7 sq units

 8 sq units

 9 sq units

 10 sq units

 11 sq units

 12 sq units

 13 sq units

 14 sq units

 15 sq units

 16 sq units

Click here for the answers to question 3.

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