Introduction to Conic Sections and Circles


1. Students will learn how conics sections were first 'discovered' and how our knowledge of them has developed through time. In doing so students will better appreciate the material they are learning and the history behind it.

2. Students will investigate the relationship between a circle and the intersection of a double right circular cone with a plane.

3. Students will investigate the standard and general equation of a circle and will discover the relationship between the equation and the circles center and radius.

Previous Knowledge:

For this lesson, students will have worked with the distance and midpoint formulas. Students should have a general knowledge of the properties of a circle. Though it is not essential, a knowledge of completing the square would also be helpful.


Activity Sheet: 1 per group

Sno-cone Cups (or paper plates): 2 per group

Construction Paper: 1 sheet per group

Stapler: 1 per group

Scissors: 1 pair per group

Discussion of Lesson:

The classroom will be divided into groups as usual with 3 to 4 students per group. In
activity one each group will create a list of knowledge in which they list everything that comes to mind that they know concerning circles. Once the students have had ample time to create their list of knowledge, the teacher will lead the students in a discussion on circles by calling on a member from each group to share points from their list. The teacher will list these points on the overhead and provide feedback to the students on these points clearing up any areas which need further discussion. In this discussion, students should be encouraged to develop a definition for circle and radius. Using the students definitions, the teacher will create a model of a circle using a thumbtack, a piece of string and a pencil. The pencil will be tied to the string and the string mounted on a piece of paper using a thumbtack. The teacher will use this apparatus to draw a circle stressing the properties of the center, the radius and the circumference points. In the general discussion of circles, if none of the students point out that a circle is a type of conic section the teacher will do so in order to move into a discussion on conic sections.

After pointing out that a circle is a type of conic section, the teacher will begin a discussion on conic sections. This discussion should include the different types of conics and some
history behind the study of conics. This discussion should lead into group exploration of how the different types of conics can be formed by "slicing" a double right circular cone with a plane. The creation of the circle can be created by shining a flashlight onto a wall where the flashlight is perpendicular to the wall. The light coming from the flashlight is in the shape of a cone when it strikes the wall (a plane) a circle is formed. In this lesson students will create in their groups a model of a circle using the "slicing" method. In later lessons, students will explore the other conics using this same method. The teacher will provide guidance to the students as they construct their circles and will clear up any misconceptions or misunderstandings the students have concerning the construction process. Once the constructions are complete, the teacher will facilitate a discussion concerning the constructions and their relation to the definition of a circle. The students will then move on to exploring the equation of a circle.

Activity three will begin with the teacher explaining that the standard equation for a circle is derived from the distance formula. The teacher will present to the students a given circle (using the overhead) with a given center and a given point on its circumference. The students will be asked to recall their definitions of a circle (particularly that each point on the circumference is equidistant from the center. The students will then work in their groups to derive the standard equation for this given circle using the distance formula. Once this is done students will generalize the equation to that of an arbitrary circle.

activities four and five the students will then work on several examples in which they are either asked to determine the equation for a circle with given center and radius or to determine the center and radius given the standard equation of a given circle.

The teacher will move forward by reminding students that the (standard) equation of a circle can also be expressed in quadratic (or general) form and that circles (as well as all conics) are quadratic relations. The teacher will demonstrate this by taking the standard equation of a circle from the previous examples and putting it in quadratic form. The teacher will then ask the students how to determine the center and radius of a circle whose equation is in quadratic form. The teacher will answer this question by demonstrating completing the square. So that students are not misled into believing all quadratics of the form, Ax^2+Cy^2+Dx+Ey+F=0, are equations of circles, the teacher will ask the students if this is true. If the students answer "yes", the teacher will give counter examples. If the students answer "no", the teacher will ask the students for counter examples. Students will work a couple of examples using completing the square to convert the quadratic form of a circle to the standard form.

To end the discussion, the teacher will place the list of knowledge back on the overhead this time having the students add to that list the knowledge they gained from this lesson. To assess the students progress, they will be asked to write in their
journals about their knowledge of circles and conics. As a minimum they should give their own definition of a circle, describe how to obtain the equation of a circle given the center and a circumference point and explain why the general equation of a circle is a special case of the general second degree (quadratic) equation Ax^2+Bxy+Cy^2+Dx+Ey+F=0. Also, students will be given a couple of exercises which help them further explore circles.


Activity 1: Getting Ready to Learn About Circles

In your groups, construct a list of knowledge concerning circles. Write down everything that comes to mind that you know about circles.

Activity 2: Constructing A Circle By "Slicing" a Double Right Circular Cone

Menaechmus (370 B. C.) is credited as being the first person to use the idea of "slicing" a cone with a plane to create the conics. He used a process similar to the steps below to create the circle. See if you can do the same.

1. Think of the two sno cone cups as the two nappes (halves) of a double right circular cone. Flatten one of these two cones that make up the double right circular cone. Unfold it. Flatten it in a different place. Repeat several times.

2. With your cone still flattened, use your compass to construct an arc centered at the endpoint of the cone.

3. Cut out the marked arc.

4. Open your cone back up and place the sheet of construction paper between the two sections of this cone. Mark the intersection between the plane (i. e. the construction paper) and the cone. What figure do you get? What do you notice about the relationship between the plane and the axis of the cone? Does this plane intersect the other nappe of the double right circular cone? The base of the cone? Is this the only circle that can be created by intersecting the cone with a plane?

Activity 3: Deriving the Standard Equation for a Circle using the Distance Formula

Rotate roles before beginning this activity.

1. Determine the distance between the center, point A, and the circumference point, point B of the circle below. What is this distance called in relation to the circle? Use this formula to determine the standard equation of the circle below.

2. Generalize the standard equation for an arbitrary circle such as the one below with center C and a circumference point P. (Hint: What do you do when you do not know a quantity?)

Activity 4: Determining the standard equation of a circle/ Determining the center and radius of a circle

Rotate roles before beginning this activity.

1. Determine the standard equation for the circle with center at (1,-7) and radius 6.

2. Determine the standard equation for the circle with center at (1/3, -1/2) and radius 3/2.

3. Determine the center and radius for the circle with standard equation

4. Determine the center and radius for the circle with standard equation

Activity 5: Determining the center and radius of a circle with a general equation

Rotate roles before beginning this activity.

During the 16th century, Descartes discovered that the coordinate system could be applied to the conics. He determined that all conics can be described by equations of the form Ax^2+Bxy+Cy^2+Dx+Ey+F=0 and consequently all circles can be described by an equation of the (general) form Ax^2+Cy^2+Dx+Ey+F=0. Use the general equation of the circles given below to find their center and radius.

1. Find the center and radius of the circle with the general equation x^2+y^2+4x+6y-3=0.

2. Find the center and radius of the circle with the general equation x^2+y^2+2x+6y-71=0.

3. Does the graph of every equation of the form Ax^2+Cy^2+Dx+Ey+F=0
determine a circle. If yes, why? If no, give a counter example.

Assessment: Each student will get a copy of the following assignment

A History of Conics

Conics sections were first explored by the Greeks over 2000 years ago. Menaechmus is credited with creating the conic sections around 370 B. C. in his attempt to solve the duplication of the cube problem. Apollonius built on the work of Eudoxus and is credited with naming the conics- the hyperbola, the parabola, and the ellipse in his On Conic Sections in the third century B. C. and showed that they could be produced by slicing a right circular cone. Around 300 A. D. Pappus compiled the works of Apollonius and others in his Mathematical Analysis. It is here that the first recorded statement of the focus-directrix property of the three conic sections can be found. Hypatia also built on the works of Apollonius in her book, On the Conics of Apollonius around 400 A. D. Arab Tabit ibn Qorra (826-901) also completed a (translated) compilation of Apollonius' work (and others). It is only through his versions of Books V, VI, and VII of Apollonius' On Conic Sections that these books come to us today. In the early sixteenth century, Copernicus modified the Ptolemaic point of view that the planets revolved around the earth on a great sphere in circular orbits by considering the sun, not the earth, as the center of the universe. Later Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) refuted both of these theories by proving that the planets actually revolve around the sun and do so in elliptical patterns. At about the same time Descartes applied his coordinates to the conics and found that all conics could be described by equations of the form Ax^2+Bxy+Cy^2+Dx+Ey+F=0. It was not until this same period that the broad applicability of conics became apparent and played a big role in the development of calculus. Also during this time period, Edmund Halley (1656-1742) restored the lost Book VIII of Apollonius' Conic Sections translating them from Arabic even though he did not know a single word of the language. It was not until 1832 when Jacob Steiner published his Systematische Entwicklungen that the first actual definition of a conic appeared in literature. He defined a conic as "the locus of the points of intersection of corresponding lines of two homographic pencils with distinct vertices. The French mathematician Germinal Pierre Dandelin (1794-1847) gave a method involving spheres nested in cones to obtain a two-dimensional algebraic characterization for the conics. Charlotte Agnus Scott (1858-1931) contributed to study of conics through her book on plane analytical geometry, An Introductory Account of Certain Modern Ideas and Methods in Plane Analytical Geometry.

Journal Assignment: In your journal write about what you have learned about circles. Give your own definition of a circle. Describe the construction of a circle using a plane and a double right circular cone (i. e. what is the mathematics behind the construction we did in class?). Describe how to obtain the equation of a circle given its center and radius. Explain why the general equation of a circle is a special case of the general second degree (quadratic) equation Ax^2+Bxy+Cy^2+Dx+Ey+F=0.

Exercises: Complete the following exercises using your knowledge of circles.

1. A landscape architect is planning a circular garden to be planted on a square plot of land. He must decide between the two configurations displayed below. One layout is one large circle tangent to the sides of the square. The other is four smaller circles of equal size that are tangent to each other and the sides of the square. The landscape architect wants to choose the configuration which will give him the largest amount of planting space. Help him decide which configuration has a larger area. Will the equations of the circles influence your answer. (Hint: You may first want to assign values to length of the sides of the square. Solve the problem for that case. Then generalize.

2. An interior designer is planning a tile pattern for the floor of a foyer. Part of the pattern consists of concentric circles of different colors as shown below. The designer knows the formula for the inner (red) circle is x^2+y^2+8x-12y-14=0 and for the outer (yellow) circle is x^2+y^2+8x-12y-12=0. The designer knows that 25 blue tiles will cover 1 square foot. If she can figure out the area between these two circles, she can determine how many blue tiles to order. Help her determine the area between the red and yellow circles. How many blue tiles should she order to cover this area?

Let's say the homeowner rejects the tile design. Instead she wants a pattern consisting of three nonconcentric circles such as the examples below. Assuming that the circles maintain the same equations as above, determine how this affects the number of tiles needed to complete each of the patterns.

3. You are competing in an archery contest. The target consists of three concentric circles. The outer circle is worth 25 points, the middle circle is worth 50 points and the inner circle is worth 100 points. It is your last shot in the final round of competition and with a score of 500 you need 50 points to capture 1st place. Using the figure below, what is the probability you win? What is the probability if you need 25 points? 100 points?

Did you know?

When an earthquake occurs, energy waves radiate from the the epicenter in concentric circles.

The Ellipse

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