Pedal triangle RST for various positions of P

When P is on the side of the triangle ABC:
Since the point lies on the perimeter, the perpendicular line from P to that side must also be on that line. The other constructions will coincide at some point on that side.

When P is any vertex of triangle ABC:
The vertices of the pedal triangle are colinear forming the altitude from that point to the opposite side. This degenerate triangle is called the Simpson Line.

When P is the centroid (G) of triangle ABC:
The pedal triangle is the medial triangle.

When P is the orthocenter (H) of triangle ABC:
The pedal triangle is the orthic triangle.

When P is the incenter (I) of triangle ABC:
The vertices of the pedal triangle are the points of intersection of the incircle and the sides of triangle ABC.

When P is on the circumcircle.
The pedal triangle is also the simpson line. Click Here to view the pedal triangle for any point on the circumcircle.

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