This is all the stuff that has happened in between...
I spent the first 18 years of my life in Chesapeake, VA -- most
notable for its wheat fields and lack of night life (we usually
hung-out at the local McDonald's). I grew up with 2 wonderful
sisters, Beth and Laura. You can see
pictures of Beth's kid, Cori. I graduated from Great Bridge High School (in Chesapeake),
class of 1991. There, I lettered in Chess (this is not a joke...).
After high school, I went to Virginia Tech, "Home of the Fighting
Gobblers." There, I studied Mathematics with a minor in Creative
Writing: Poetry. I performed and participated as a member of the
Virginia Technical Jugglers.
Also, I served as Social Chairman and Vice President for the Zeta
Beta Tau (ZBT) Fraternity.
Wes Hale, Christie and Bryan Flowers are shown above. Bryan and Christie have their own page with
some interesting pitures from Virginia Tech, including one of
the boys at the Syracuse game.
I made a lot of great friends there from all over the Mid-Atlantic region, including the girls below...
When I'm not in the fabulous Mathematics Education Department or attending Mathematics classes, I enjoy swing dancing, juggling and jogging, but not all at the same time. I am also a member of the Catholic Student Fellowship at the University of Georgia.
I spend my summers teaching mathematics in the excellent mathematics department of the Governor's Honors Program. The pictures below illustrate the academic and recreational aspects of the program.