The Pattersons

Hi, I'm Mike Patterson. I am currently a masters graduate student at the University of Georgia. This quarter I am taking courses in Abstract Algebra, Metacognition in Mathematics, and Technology and Mathematics Instruction. I am also teaching Math 206 which is a mathematics content course for elementary teachers. My professional interests are currently: (1) Technology and Mathematical Instruction, (2) the use of mathematical history in the classroom, and (3) the process of constructing mathematical knowledge.

We are new to Athens and Georgia. We moved this summer from Vancouver (Richmond), British Columbia, Canada. It took five 12 hour days to drive the 2600 miles from Vancouver to Athens. In Richmond, I worked as a High School Mathematics and Computer Science Teacher at Hugh Boyd Secondary. Nola worked a part time schedule as a Dental Hygienist. As a family we are also very active members of our faith, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (The Mormons).

Even though my time presently doesn't show it, my family is everything to me. My wife Nola, and I have two little children. Tori (3 years old) and Cameron (6 months old) bring much joy into our lives. The following is a picture of them taken during the summer of '97.

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