The Patterson Family

 (Below) Tori is a huge animal lover. She continually tells us that she wants a real kitty or a real doggy and not a pretend one. One of our CD Roms has kittens that purr when you pet them, this is not good enough for Tori. She has really enjoyed having Grandma visit, and is excited to visit all of her cousins at uncle Kris's wedding. This picture was taken at Stone Mountain about an hour away from Athens.  (Below) This is our most recent picture of Cameron. He was a huge fan of Halloween even though he didn't get to go out a get candy. He was either going to a pig or a cow and we felt that being a pig might effect his behavior. Nola made this costume for him. He is now about 6 months old and has begun crawling and pulling himself up. He also loves to play, eat and slobber.
 (Below) This is one of my favorite pictures of Nola and I. It was taken a few years ago when we were at the Final Four Basketball Tournament in Minnesota. We had a lot of fun.   (Below) This is a fairly recent picture of the Family. We had a few days together this summer at a Patterson Reunion. We enjoyed horse riding, playing golf and relaxing. It was a nice part of our holiday.

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