Philippa M. Rhodes

GSP Library

Have you forgotten some of these terms? If so, click here for an on-line Mathematics Dictionary.
1. Centroid of a Triangle.

2. Orthocenter of a Triangle.

3. Circumcenter of a Triangle.

4. Circumcircle of a triangle.

5. Incenter of a triangle.

6. Incircle of a triangle.

7. Triangle Centers.

8. Equilateral Triangle, given a side.

9. Square,
given a side.

10. Pythagorean Theorem. This script uses squares to show the Pythagorean Theorem.

11. Nine-Point Circle of a Triangle.

12. Regular Hexagon, given a side.

13. Triangle of Medians.

14. Tangent Circle, given any two circles

15. Pedal Triangle, given Pedal Point P

16. Simson Line

17. Trisection of a line segment