
NOTE: The MS Excel file contains a macro. Macros are notorious for viruses. Thus, make sure your virus protection software is up-to-date! Before you open the file, scan it for viruses. When you open the file, you will get a warning about the macro, IF you have scanned the file, then enable the macro.

Download boxplot.xls (right-click and select Save Target As...).

Here is a screen capture of the file:

Enter the label for your first data set in cell A1 and then enter the data in the cells below. Make sure only your data is in the column! Enter the other data sets in the other columns as necessary. Once all the data is entered, click on RUN. A dialog box opens and looks like:

Select your data by clicking in cell A1, hold and drag the cursor so that all your data is selected:

Type in the x–axis label and click OK. The boxplot of your data will be placed in a new sheet:

The five–summary is provided with the boxplots. Possible outliers are graphed as dots. You can make the boxplots larger by clicking once on the graph and then click and drag one of the squares on the corner of the entire graph.