GSP Script Tools

Alex Szatkowski

The following link will take you directly to a set of GSP Script tools.

The tools available are:

1. Centroid

2. Orthocenter

3. Circumcenter

4. Circumcircle

5. Incenter

6. Incircle

7. Median Triangle

8.Orthocenter and mid-segment Triangle

9. Orthic Triangle

10. Pedal Triangle

11. Center of 9-point Circle

12. Trisection of a line

13. Square

14. Equilateral Triangle

15. Isosceles Triangle

16. Triangle Centers

17. Triangle centers and Euler Line

18. Golden Ratio

19. Pentagon given radius

20. Pentagon given side

21. Hexagon given side

22. Octagon given side

GSP Script Tools



