Labs, Labs, Labs!!

Lab #

 Lab Title
 Relationship to Investigate
 #1.  Pass the Secret Time and # people who heard the secret
#2.  String/Chair Distance between the chairs and the height of the string from the ground
#3.  Starburst Rectangles # of starbursts and # of rectangles with different dimensions
#4. Thanks  
#5. Vertical Jump Your height and your vertical jump
#6.  Bouncing Ball Height of drop and height of initial bounce
#7.  Balancing Pennies # of pennies and balancing point on ruler
#8.  Pendulum Swing length of swing and time to complete the swing
#9.  Circle Circumference circumference of a circle and diameter of the same circle
#10.  Golden Faces distance from top of head to chin and distance from center of eyes to chin
 #11. It's a Ramp angle of elevation of the ramp and time for the ball the roll 2 feet
 #12. Flying Paper Clips Length of rubber band and distance of flying paper clip