EMAT 3500
Topics and Technology in Secondary School Mathematics Curriculum

Lisa A. Sheehy 
105D Aderhold Hall 
Telephone (706) 542-4573
FAX (706) 542-4551
e-mail: lsheehy@coe.uga.edu

Prerequisites for EMAT 3500
MATH 2210. If you have not studied inferential and differential calculus,discuss the situation with me.
Course Overview
Students in EMAT 3500 will have the opportunity to:

Required Textbooks and Resources


Title: Mathematics, Pedagogy, and Secondary Teacher Education
Authors: Thomas J. Cooney, Stephen I. Brown, John A. Dossey, George Schrage, and Erich Ch. Wittmann
Publisher: Heinemann

Title:  Principles and Standards for School Mathematics (with CD-ROM) 
Authors: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 
Publisher:  NCTM                

Software and Technology

1. Access to the Internet and Email

2. Geometers' Sketchpad Student Edition
The student edition includes:

3.  TI-83 Plus Graphing Calculator 
You should be able to purchase this calculator for under $100.00 
Price compare at Best Buy, K-mart, Staples, Sam's, etc... 
For more information go to:  http://education.ti.com/

4. Microsoft Office

5. Graphing Calculator 3.0 for Mac or NuCalc 2.0 for Windows
Order on-line from http://www.pacifict.com/StudentDiscount.html
The student discount price is $40.  Make sure to order the correct version for your operating system (Mac or Windows).


Weekly assignments will be provided. They will be discussed in class and dues dates will be provided.

Weekly assignments will consist of a variety of readings, writings, and mathematical & technological investigations.

The class will use fully ethernet networked computers in Room 111/113. All assignments will be given and turned in via our class Web Site or placed on the student's own web server and linked to this Web Site. We will have access to and learn to use various network tools.

Time on computers

You can not expect to accomplish what you should from this course without time on the computers that is in addition to the time we have in class. The usual expectation of 2 hours study outside of class for every hour in class is probably a minimum. There are several MacIntosh laboratories available in this building and across campus.

We are scheduled to hold this class in Room 111/113 with a laboratory of Macintosh G3 and G4 computers. The G3 and G4 are in the family of advanced computers in the MacIntosh line. There are some additional PowerPC Macintosh computers in Room 228, Room 615, and in the EMAT Library.

In general, the application programs we will use in this class will run on any of the Macintosh computers except the oldest machines. There are distinctions such as operating systems and hard disk drives that have to be accounted for. If you have your own Mac, or access to one, I will help you get set up to run these programs on it (if it is possible)

Most Macs today run with operating system 7.6, 8.6, or 9.0. In general, as operating systems have improved over time, most people move to the newest system. Our machines in Room 111/113 use System 9.0.

Most of our software is also available for Windows machines. The functionality of some other Windows software is similar to what we use. Certainly the Windows environment could be used for implementing this course. Students can work at home on a Windows computer and transport to these Rm 111/113 machines via removable media (e.g. floppy disks) or the network. It is also possible to set up FTP access to the server so that your web productions can be implemented from a remote site. Expect to experience a few hang-ups but it will work. Further, software or hardware with similar functionality is available on many hand-held devices.

Attendance Policy

As part of being a professional teacher, regular participation in all course activities. On-time completion of assignments and arrival to class is expected. If at all possible, please notify me before missing a class meeting. All absences will be documented and attendance records will be used in calculating your final grade.

Grades and Requirements

It is my intention to base grades on performance in meeting the requirements of the course. This performance includes the following:

Class Attendance and Participation......15%

Assignments and Projects........................................70%

Final Exam..........................................15%