Problem Solving Activities
(Number Sense with large numbers)



A giant flock of geese landed yesterday on the Pacific Ocean. Scientists report that half of the ocean's surface was covered with geese.

Question: How many geese landed on the Pacific Ocean Yesterday?

Fact: (Surface Area of Pacific Ocean = 155.557 million sq km)


The Senate voted yesterday to tile the floor of the Pentagon in pennies to honor Abraham Lincoln. Congress is asking "How much will this cost?

Problem: Please calculate this cost in dollars for Congress.

Fact: (Gross floor area of Pentagon is 6,636,360 sq. ft.)



Misquotes planning to suck the earth dry ...
in process of locating storage facility for blood

Problem: If you put all of the blood of all of the people on the earth into a cube, how big would this cube need to be?

Facts: (World population at 10:05:28 this morning was 6,129,029,525 people)

(The amount of blood in your body depends on your size and the altitude at which you live. An adult who weighs 160 pounds (73 kilograms) has about 5 quarts (4.7 liters) of blood. An 80-pound (36-kilogram) child has about half that amount, and an 8-pound (3.6-kilogram) infant has about 81/2 ounces (250 milliliters). People who live at high altitudes, where the air contains less oxygen, may have up to 2 quarts (1.9 liters) more blood than people who live in low regions. The extra blood delivers additional oxygen to body cells.)


Bank Robbery - 2 Men Carried Out One Million

Dollars In One Dollar Bills


Problem: Is this possible? How big of a "briefcase" would they have used?



People To Circle The Planet In Act Of World Peace


Problem: How many people would it take to circle the earth's diameter if everyone stood hand to hand with outstretched arms?

Facts: (the Earth Has A Diameter of 7,930 Miles)

Averages for modern Americans are just over 5' 9" for men, and about 5' 3 *" for women.