Please complete all th ree parts


Please provide me with a brief mathematics autobiography or mathography. The purpose of this assignment is two-fold: 1) to help me get to know you better and 2) to help you assess how you feel about mathematics, why you feel this way, and how these feelings might influence you as a mathematics student. Use the following questions as a guide. (you don't have to answer each one). I would like for you to neatly write or type (size 12 font, double spaced) about a one-page response.

  1. Are you "good" at mathematics?
  2. How do you feel about mathematics? Why?
  3. Do you feel the same about all areas of mathematics equally? If not, which ones do you like/dislike the most? Why?
  4. Who or what influenced your feelings about mathematics?
  5. Describe the ideal mathematics teacher. This teacher can be a real or an imaginary person. Explain why this teacher is ideal.

Draw a pic ture of what comes to mind when you hear the word "mathematics."  Provide a caption for your picture. Then write an brief explanation for your picture.

Part 3: TASK
Please mark an X at any point on the line segment between the two words that describes mathematics to you.

To me mathematics is:


Doubtful                                                Certain

Absolute                                                Relative

Dull                                                     Intriguing

Aesthetic                                               Applicable

Changing                                                Fixed