Course Syllabus Math 1101 Mathematical Models This course meets on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays in Room 207 from 10:00 - 10:50

Lisa A. Sheehy
213 Newton Oakes
Work Telephone (706) 864-1808
Home Telephone (706) 867-8480
My Office Hours & Schedule


Click here for the List of Assignments

Prerequistes | Description | Content & Objectives | Required Materials | Assignment Sheet | Policies, etc.

Prerequisites for Math 3116



This course is an introduction to mathematical modeling using graphical, numerical, symbolic, and verbal techniques to describe and explore real world data and phenomena. Emphasis is on the use of elementary functions to investigate and analyze applied problems and questions, supported by the use of appropriate technology, and on effective communication of quantitative concepts and results.

Course Content and Objectives

Students in Math 1101 will have the opportunity to study...

Function models.
Mathematics of finance.
Matrices with applications.
Probability and counting methods.

Upon completion of the course, Students in Math 1100 should be able to...

Textbooks and Resources


Required Text: At the level of Harshbarger & Reynolds, Mathematical Applications, 6th edition, Houghton-Miflin, 2000.

This text can be purchased in the NGCSU Bookstore. There is also a Study and Solutions Guide available.

Other Materials

If you have a graphing calculator, please bring it to class daily. If you are considering purchasing a graphing calculator, I suggest a TI-83. I have a few calculators that you may use during class only.

Helpful Websites

The Math Forum -
Math Archives -
CyberMath -
The American Mathematical Society ­
Quantitative Reasoning Internet Sites -

Evaluation Methods

Assignments, Quizzes and Tests

Weekly assignments will be discussed in class and posted on the course webpage (click here to view the assignment sheet).

Expect weekly homework checks and weekly announced quizzes.

There will be 4 units tests, a take-home midterm, and an in-class final exam.

You may earn bonus points for excellent attendance.

 Type of Assignment

 Approximate # of Points

 Percentage of Grade
~ 15 Homework Checks

10 pts each = 150 pts

~ 15 Quizzes

~20 pts each = 300 pts

4 Unit Exams

100 pts each = 400 pts

 Midterm Exam

 100 pts

Final Exam

200 pts



0 absences* = 10 pts
1 absences = 8 pts
2 absences = 6 pts
3 absences = 2 pts

*Note - I do not distinguish between excused and unexcused absences when assigning extra points.

up to 10 pts

Total Possible Points

1150 pts




Course Grade will be assigned base on the percentage of total possible points a student earns during the semester.

A = 90 % or higher

B = 80 - 89 %

C = 70 - 79%

D = 60 - 69%

F = Below 60%

Time Outside of Class

You can not expect to accomplish what you should from this course without spending time with the material outside of class. The usual expectation of 2 hours study outside of class for every hour in class is a minimum. Please communicate with me as soon as possible if you are having trouble managing your time and/or completing assignments- I want to help you get the most out of this course that you can.

Attendance and Tardy Policy

I expect you to be on time for class. Class begins promptly at 10:00am. An apology will be expected from 10:00 - 10:05 and it will be expected that tardiness does not become a habit.for you. If you arrive after 10:05 and before 10:10, I will record your tardy and include it as an absense when calculating points for attndance.If you arrive after 10:10,the door will be locked and you will need to get the notes from someone in the class.

I expect you to be in class every day. If you are ill, please call or e-mail with a message letting me know that you will be missing class - prior to that class meeting if possible. If there is a date that you know you will be absent due to personal reasons, please let me know that in advance. Not only is this polite behavior, it also helps me help you. I will be able to let you know in advance what you will be missing and I can ask someone in the class to allow me to copy notes for you. Please note that according to the policies of North Georgia College & State University, students that miss more than 14% of the scheduled classes may be dropped from the course (see p. 59 of the Undergraduate Bulletin).

Academic Integrity

The integrity code will be upheld in this course. The NGCSU catalog states:

North Georgia College & State University is dedicated to providing an educational climate characterized by integrity. Academic integrity, in particular, must be the cornerstone of an institution of higher learning and must pervade all segments of the NGCSU community. Furthermore, academic integrity is the mutual responsibility of the various constituencies (students, faculty, staff, and administration) which comprise the university. The integrity code, "On my honor, I will not lie, cheat, steal, plagiarize, evade the truth or tolerate those who do," reflects NGCSU's commitment to academic integrity.