Course Syllabus for Math 6110
Informal Geometry
8:00am – 4:00pm on June 28th – July 7th 
Room 207 and 210 (NOC)
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Catalog Description Topics include plane figures, polygons and tessellations, space figures, symmetric figures, systems of measurement, area and perimeter, volume and surface area, congruence and similarity mappings, and topological mappings.   In addition, an individual, independent unit is included.

Course Rationale The purpose of this course is to prepare prospective P-8 teachers to become effective facilators in the teaching of mathematics. The intent of the course is to insure that prospective teachers have a solid understanding of geometry and acquire a range of methods for facilitating the learning of geometric concepts. Mathematics instruction today needs to focus on the development of mathematical thinking that entails helping students to construct their own understanding of what it means to know and do mathematics. In order to accomplish this goal, teachers must be confident in their own ability to know and do mathematics, as well as, to be prepared to teach all children.

Required Textbooks and Resources*
We will be using 3 primary resources in class, which are all available at the NGCSU bookstore. Please bring all these materials to class each day.
Geometer’s Sketchpad Student Edition Version 4
The Student Edition comes with the Sketchpad software (for Windows or Macintosh), a Learning Guide, 101 Projects Ideas, and a Quick Reference Guide.
Exploring Geometry with The Geometer's Sketchpad® Version 4
By Dan Bennett
Rethinking Proof with The Geometer's Sketchpad® Version 4
By Michael de Villiers
* More information and resources at Key Curriculum Press
Supplementary Materials and Resources
Although I have enough materials for everyone to use to use in class, feel free (and encouraged) to bring a ruler, protractor, compass, and a calculator to class. We will use these tools often and students often find it helpful to work with their own materials in class.

Course Goals Students in Math 6110 will have the opportunity to...

Content Objectives Students in Math 6110 will have the opportunity to study the following topics:

Points, Lines and Planes

  • Solve problems involving properties and concepts of points, lines and planes in a two-dimensional setting
  • Classify lines as parallel, perpendicular, intersecting and skewed


  • Classify quadrilaterals as squares, rectangles, parallelograms, trapezoids, or rhombi
  • Solve problems involving properties of quadrilaterals such as parallel lines, diagonals, midpoints, length, width, area, perimeter
  • Explore what happens to the area and perimeter of a quadrilateral as the dimensions are modified

  • Classify polygons as regular, convex, and congruent
  • Construct polygons in GSP; determine which can create tessellations
  • Explore problems involving properties of polygons such as vertex angles, interior angles, exterior angles, area, perimeter, apothem, lines of symmetry, diagonals
Circles & Coordinate Geometry
3-D Objects & Transformational Geometry
  • Solve problems involving volume and surface area of cubes, cylinders, rectangular solids, spheres, cones, and pyramids
  • Explore the properties of vertices, edges, faces, and dimensions of solids
  • Translations, Reflections, Rotations, & Dilations, Tessellations

In order to demonstrate the ability to
  • Select and use appropriate technological software to explore, analyze, and represent geometry problems
  • Communicate mathematical understanding of a variety of geometric concepts
  • Communicate mathematical thinking by expressing their reasoning, analysis, and extensions of the mathematical concepts associated with an investigation in written, verbal, and visual forms
  • Modify geometric investigations for appropriate use in the middle school classroom
  • Incorporate technology into the learning and teaching of geometric concepts
    Make connections between course experiences and standards-based reform documents, such as the NCTM standards
Students will be assessed with the following methods
  1. (50%) An online portfolio of investigations and solutions. Participants will be assessed on the content and quality of their online portfolios. Feedback and suggested modifications for a select number of write-ups will be provided throughout the course. Assessment will be based on use of representation, analysis, appropriate selection and use of technological tools, creation of extensions, and accuracy of mathematics. (Due Monday, July 26th no later than 3:00pm)  
  2. (15%) In addition to the investigation write-ups, the participants will plan middle school instructional activities and mathematics lessons that demonstrate the ability to integrate technology and geometry for use in their own classroom. (1 lesson plan due on July 7th and 1 lesson plan due on July 26th with portfolio)
  3. (15%) A content based, one hour exam will be given on the last day of class (July 7th)
  4. (20%) Daily class participation and homework assignments

Course Grade will be assigned base on the percentage of total possible points a student earns during the semester.
A = 90 % or higher
B = 80 - 89 %
C = 70 - 79%
D = 60 - 69%
F = Below 60%

Attendance Policy
Because of the unique nature of our course, daily attendance is mandatory. Please note that according to the policies of North Georgia College & State University, students that miss more than 14% of the scheduled class meeting times may be dropped from the course.

Metacognitive Model & Teacher Education Program Competencies
The NGCSU Mathematics Education Program prepares teachers to assume within the school
community the roles of Decision-Maker, Facilitator, and Leader as identified in the metacognitive model. Twelve Teacher Education Program competencies reflecting the model are aligned to a specific role. Overlap into more than one role and mathematics course may occur. Current research and professional standards identify these competencies as important for effective teaching (NBPTS and ASCD Framework).
 Decision-Maker  Facilitator  Leader
 Assessment  Individual Differences  Ethical Perspectives
 Planning  Subject Matter Knowledge  Reflection/Metacognition
 Problem Solver  Communication  Professional Leadership
 Methods, Materials, Resources  Classroom Management  Research & Evaluation

Academic Integrity
The integrity code will be upheld in this course. The NGCSU catalog states:
North Georgia College & State University is dedicated to providing an educational climate characterized by integrity. Academic integrity, in particular, must be the cornerstone of an institution of higher learning and must pervade all segments of the NGCSU community. Furthermore, academic integrity is the mutual responsibility of the various constituencies (students, faculty, staff, and administration) which comprise the university. The integrity code, "On my honor, I will not lie, cheat, steal, plagiarize, evade the truth or tolerate those who do," reflects NGCSU's commitment to academic integrity.