Write Up Template

Math 6110: Informal Geometry

Insert title here (use context specific titles such as ÒTriangle CentersÓ rather than generic ones such as write-up#1, assignment #1, etc.)

Problem Statement
Insert problem text here.

Problem setup

Restate the problem in your own words. Perhaps you could discuss mathematical similarities between this problem and other problems you have solved or the main focus of your investigation or the big question for you.


Plans to Solve/Investigate the Problem

Discuss your initial plans/strategies/technologies toward the solution of the problem.


Investigation/Exploration of the Problem

Carry out your plans/strategies you planned initially. Give a well organized explanation and details about how the problem was approached and explored. You should do that so that the reader can follow/construct/understand your work with minimal effort. Include numerical, graphical data (to the extend that it is applicable) to support your arguments and conjectures. Try to include multiple approaches/representations (numerical, graphical and symbolic) to the problem and the solution. Label diagrams, tables, graphs, or other visual representations you used. Provide an algebraic proof/solution for your conjectures/observations where it's applicable.


Extensions of the Problem

Discuss possible extensions for the problem and explore/investigate at least one of the extensions you discussed.


Author & Contact
Insert name and contact information.
Insert Email

Link(s) to resources, references, lesson plans, and/or other materials
Link 1
Link 2


Important Note: You should compose your write-up targeting an audience in mind rather than just the instructor for the course. You are creating a page to publish it on the web.