EMAT 4680
Technology and Secondary School Mathematics
Fall 2000

Instructor: Miss Lisa Sheehy Office 105D, Aderhold  706 - 542 - 4573 lsheehy@coe.uga.edu my homepage

Office Hours | Syllabus | Assignments | Student Pages | Links

Office Hours:

Tuesdays 11:00am - 12:00pm (105D)

Wednesdays 10:00am - 11:00am (111/113)

Thursdays 11:00am - 12:00pm (105D)

.....Or by appointment....or drop in if I'm in my office.


Click here to view the syllabus
















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#1. Reaction Paper on the Technology Principle from the NCTM Principles and Standards and the Gail Burrill article (due 8/22) --- 10 pts

#2. Post 2 Java Sketch Investigations write-ups on your web page (due 8/24) --- 10 pts

#3. Guided Tours 1, 2, 3 from GSP Learning Guide (Quiz on 8/31) --- 10 pts

#4. Read pages 3 - 10 in text and create one example of each function of proof (due 8/29) -- 10pts

#5. Write a reaction paper to the reading from A #4 and the Reasoning and Proof Standard from the NCTM Principles and Standards. (due 8/29) --- 10 pts

#6. Click on the #6 and then complete problems #1 - 5 (#5 sketch only is due 8/31) --- 5 pts

The next few assignments involve writing up problems...for a nice description of a write up, click here
The example that Dr. Jim Wilson was referring to (which I think is really nice and helpful!) can be seen by clicking here

#7. Write-up problem5 from assignment #6 (due 9/7) --- 10 pts

#8a,b.Triangle Centers Write-ups: Click on the #8 and then select 2 problems from #6 - 15 to (Due 10/2) --- 20 pts

#9. Scripts: Centroid, Orthocenter, Incenter, Circumcenter, Medial Triangle, and Square (due 9/12)-- 6pts

#9.5 Add a script for Trisecting a Segement to Assignment #9

#10.Proof of the concurrency of the alitiudes of any triangle (use pg. 86 - 89 in Rethinkg Proof as a guide and/or Ceva's Theorem) Due 9/19 -- 10pts

#11. Write-up of Balancing Point of a Quadrilateral. What did you find? What is your conjecture? Can you give us the rationale why your conjecture works? Can you generalize it? Can you prove your generalization? (due 10/3) --- 10pts

#12. Scripts Project: Write a script for each of the 12 constructions you have been assigned in EMAT 3500. It would be helpful to you if you posted these scripts in the same place as those from Assignment #9...use the page I made you if you like. (Due 10/3) --- 36pts

#13. GSP Problems Project: Click here to see a variety of mathematical investigations to explore. using GSP. Please investigate them all and then select your three favorite to write-up. (Due 10/3) --- 30pts

#14. MIDTERM EXAM Click here for the take-home portion of the exam (due 10/10)---50pts

#15. MIDTERM EXAM: Click here for the in-class portion of the exam (due 10/10) --- 50pts

Click here for the grading criteria for the Midterm Exam

#16. Fun with Functions: Click here for this assignment. (due 10/31)...10pts

#17. Lab Write-ups: For this assignment, you are to write-up FIVE of the nine labs we ran in class on October 19th. Choose five data sets that represent five different types of functions. Click here for details on what constitues a lab write-up. (due 11/7)...30pts

Note: To read about characteristics of different families of functions, click here.

#18. Even More Fun with Functions: Click here for details on this assignment. As a suggestion...read through Assignment #2 from Dr. Wilson's EMAT4680/6680 class and then Amy Hackenburg's write up from this problem set. I think you might get some good ideas about how to begin an investigation, how to organize your write-up, etc... (due 11/9)...20pts

#19. Bonus Assignment: Attend the MESA Colloquim on Monday, Nov. 6 from 4:00 - 5:00 (1 bonus point). Turn in a one page reaction paper to Gail Burrill's discussion about Statistics in the Mathematics classroom (up to 2 bonus pts)...(due 11/14).

#20. Squaring a Circle Investigation: Invstigate the following problem and the realtionship between what is happening numerically with what is happening graphically with what is happening algebraically. Basically, why do you see what you see when you click here to investigate the problem? (due 12/5)

Note: This is a BONUS PROBLEM!!! (for up to 5 bonus points)

#21. GSP For Data Collections: Click here for a list of problems to investigate. (due 11/14)...20 pts

#22. Data Analysis Presentation: You may do this project with a partner or alone. You are to collect two sets of data and investigate their relationship. You must collect a minumum of 25 pairs of data. Think about something that interests you and ask two questions.

For example: I think that people with pets get less speeding tickets. I plan to survey
 50 people betwen the ages of 20 and 30 and ask them
1.   How many pets do you have? 
2.  How many speeding tickets have recevied in your life?

You need to do a univariant statistical analysis on each variable and then a bivariant analysis. Your grade will be based on your 5 - 10 minute presentation to the class. (due 12/5)...30 points

Click here to read a more detailed set of guidelines for the presentation

#23. Spreadsheet as an Investigation Tool: Click here to view four problems for you to explore using a spreadsheet. Your write-up should convince me that you have explored these problems and your write-up cannot excede 2 typed pages....the idea is that I want you to be brief in your write-up but thorough in your investigations. (due 11/21)...20pts

#24. Trigonometry Investigations: In class work...20pts

#25.Final Exam: Click here for Part One of your Final Exam

Lesson Plans, Rationale & Reflection - 70pts

Presentation - 30pts

(both parts due on December 12, 2000)


Click here for Part Two of your Final Exam

Sample Portfolio of your work - 50pts

(due on or before December 8, 2000)

#26. Attendance & Participation 100pts

Click here for grading criteria

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Student Pages:

 Lindsay Allen  Lee Nguyen
 Ava Antone  Rebecca Parker
 Megan Barnett  Raju Patel
 Corrie Collier  Kristen Robinson
 Doris Daniel  Kelly Samuelson
 Matt Fiedler  Niki Satchwell
 Katie Gerker  Natalie Smith
 Elizabeth Jones  Amy Terry
 Mary Beth Miles  Julie Terry
 Matthew Moon  Kristen Thomas


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