


In this lesson the students are trying to determine whether or not the Golden Ratio is in their body.

1. Form groups of two or three.

2. Distribute tape measures to groups.

3. Have each student make a table like the one below and include the name of each person in their group in that table.

4. Make the following measurements for each person in the group. If you are unsure of how to make the measurement, click on the word photo next to description. This link will show you pictures of what measurements are intended in each case.


 Measure the distance from:  Call it:
 top of head to bottom of feet  B
 from the floor to the naval  N
 the knuckle of an index finger to finger tip  F
 the big knuckle in the "middle" of the index finger to the finger tip K
 hip joint to the floor  L
 the hip joint to the knee of the same leg measured above  H
 shoulder to the fingertips  A
 the elbow to the fingertips of the same arm above  E
 the top of the head to the chin  C
 the center of the eyes to the chin  Y
 measure the circumference of the head  M
 measure the circumference of the neck  I

5. Calculate the following ratios:


6. Have the students compare the ratios calculated for each member of their group. Have them make any generalizations they see. Now have the groups combine all of the data for the entire class in the excel sheet that can be viewed on the LCD projector. Can generalizations be made about any of the ratios calculated?

7. Review the Golden Ratio---what it is---Where it comes from---how it is present in nature, art, architecture, etc.

8. Did any of the students' ratios come close to the Golden Ratio?


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