Angle Geometry Lesson Plan


John R. Simmons




Unit 1 Angle Geometry Lesson Plans

Lesson 1 Angle Geometry

* Review special triangles and quadrilaterals
* Introduce angles in triangles and quadrilaterals
* Exercises
* Homework


Lesson 2 Parallel and Intersecting Lines

* Review lesson 1 results
* Exercises
* Whole class activity--angles in polygons
* Homework


Lesson 3 Angle Symmetry in Polygons

* Introduce coursework
* Angles in polygons
* Exercises
* Homework


Lesson 4 Symmetry of 3D shapes

* Review names and properties
* Planes of symmetry
* Exercises
* Homework


Lesson 5 Bearings

* Review compass directions and equivalent bearings
* Exercises
* Introduce homework
* Homework


Lesson 6 Angles and Circles

* Revise results (and proof)
* Exercises
* Introduce homework
* Homework



Lesson Exercises








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