Script Tools for Geometer's Sketchpad

by Arielle Alford


When using Geometer's Sketchpad, it is sometimes useful to have a group of tools (script tools) which construct geometric objects you use frequently. All of the following tools are available to use in this GSP file.


Polygon Tools

Tool Name Tool Function
SideSquareAA Constructs a square with a given side length.
PentagonRadiusAA Constructs a pentagon with a given radius.
PentagonSideAA Constructs a pentagon with a given side length.
HexagonRadiusAA Constructs a hexagon with a given radius. 
HexagonSideAA Constructs a hexagon with a given side length.
OctagonRadiusAA Constructs a octagon with a given radius. 
OctagonSideAA Constructs an octagon with a given side length. 
EquiTriangleSideAA Constructs an equilateral triangle with given side length.

Triangle Tools

Tool Name Tool Function
CentroidAA Given a triangle, constructs the centroid (intersection of medians).
OrthocenterAA Given a triangle, constructs the orthocenter (intersection of perpendicular through vertex).
CircumcenterAA Given a triangle, constructs the circumcenter (intersection of perpendicular bisectors of sides).
CircumcircleAA Constructs the circle circumscribed around a given triangle.
IncenterAA Constructs the incenter of a given triangle (intersection of angle bisectors).
IncircleAA Constructs the circle inscribed in a given triangle.
MedialTriangleAA Constructs the medial triangle of a given triangle.
CtrNinePtCircleAA Constructs the center of the nine point circle of a given triangle.
NinePtCircle Construction of the nine point circle of a given triangle.
OrthoCrtMdSgTriAA Constructs the orthocenter mid-segment triangle (whose vertices are the midpoint of the segment from the orthocenter to each vertex).
TriangleCtrsAA Constructs the centroid, orthocenter, circumcenter, and incenter of a given triangle.
EulerLineAA Given a triangle, constructs the Euler line of that triangle.
PedalTriangleAA Given a triangle and point outside that triangle, constructs the pedal triangle.


Segments, Ratios, and more

Tool Name Tool Function
TrisectSegmentAA Trisects a given segment.
GoldenRatioAA Divides a given segment into two segments having length ratio equal to the golden ratio.
SqrtSpiralAA Constructs spiral of segments with square root multiples of a given segment.


Using a GSP Script Tool

To use a script tool, simply click (but don't release) the 'Tool Arrow' - this button pictures a triangle and three dots. Select the tool you want to use and then immediately proceed to draw your givens, for example a triangle or line segment.


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