Department of Mathematics and Science Education






Allyson Hallman






A Very Unexciting Exploration of Parametric Equations





Consider: x = a cos t    for three fairly obvious cases.

                 y = b sin t





Case #1:







Pictured we have



 x = 2 cos t

 y = 2 sin t


We have generated a circle centered at the origin with radius 2.


Click here to view Clip where a and b vary from -5 to 5. 

These graphs are symmetric about both the x- and y-axis. A negative a value reflects over the y-axis and a negative b value reflects over the x-axis. But due to the symmetry of these graphs these negative values have no effect on the graphs generated. And so we consider the absolute value of a and b without loss of generality.





Case #2:







WhatÕs going on? Looks like fun with ellipses.


So we have ellipses centered at the origin and with major axis of length  along the x-axis and with minor axis of length along the y-axis







Case #2:








Still ellipses. (whoop-tee-doo)

So we have ellipses centered at the origin and with minor axis of length  along the x-axis and with major axis of length along the y-axis


Ok, what happens if square stuff?





Consider: x = a (cos t)2   

                 y = b (sin t)2






Case #1:




Pictured we have



 x = 3 (cos t)2

 y = 3 (sin t)2


We have generated a line with slope -1 and y-intercept of 3.


Click here to view Clip where a and b vary from -5 to 5.





Case #2:












OH FUN. A bunch of lines. What does it all mean?


The slope of the line is equal to  , the y-intercept is b, and the x-intercept is a.





Consider: x = a (cos t)3

                 y = b (sin t)3










Ok, well this is much less boring than what we had before.


Our lines are curvy, forming these cool diamond like things that are symmetrical over the x- and y-axis.


x-intercepts are (-a, 0) and (a, 0) and our y-intercepts are (0, -b) and (0, b).





I wonder what happens if increase the exponent more.







Values of n take on integers from 1 to 10.


As the exponents decrease from 10 to 2, we are approaching our straight line. Then we jump from the straight line out to the ellipse which had an exponent of 1.


I wonder if we examine exponent values between 1 and 2 if we will fill in the space between the straight line and the ellipse






Ha, we have some additional values of n = 1.05, 1.15, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75


And lo and behold they fall within the space between the straight line and the ellipse.


Super, I am glad this one finally got a bit more interesting.





Not to thrilled with this assignment? (yea, me neither) Go home.