Gregory Schmidt
Write up #1
Composition of the
Logarithmic and Exponential
Problem: Let and
We will explore the graphs of our new functions, and explore the changes in the domains and ranges.
First we consider the graphs of and
We see immediately, that and
We notice that appears to
remain to the right of the y-axis, and
appears to
remain above the x-axis.
Just a little thought reveals that in fact this must be the
case since for all ,
This is due to
the fact that
, and so any power of
must also be
greater than zero.
Now, for , we must first note how
related. When we talk about
, we are really just asking what power of
is equal to
. That is, when
, what is
For example, since
implies that
explains why
is always to the
right of the y-axis, since
for all
. Hence,
is not defined
We say that the domain of , denoted
and the range of
, denoted
Similarly, and
Now, , like
, is always to the right of the y-axis.
Well, obviously if
, since
is not defined
Hence, and
We also not that lies between the
graphs of
, but this makes sense because we are simply adding the two
respective functions to form
Now consider .
Again we see that and
But this time the growth of eventually
. Just a little
thought we understand why this must be the case, since
for all
, and
What about
Well, as expected and
What can we guess about and
, where
This time and
Notice: appears to be
very similar to the graph
. Well, we need
only note that
, and so
, the identity function.
In this case, we say that and
, and so