Class Page


Cori Pringle

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The Program of Mathematics Education

MacTutor History of Mathematics Site -- St. Andrew's University

Math Forum (alias Geometry Forum)

Furman University Mathematical Quotation Server

Project InterMath

A tutorial for EMAT 6680


 Assignment 1:

What Happened to Linear?

Assignment 2:

Transforming a Parabola

 Assignment 3:

Quadratic Roots

 Assignment 4:

Triangle Centers

 Assignment 5:

Script Tools

 Assignment 6:

Triangle of Medians

 Assignment 7:

Tangents Making Ellipses

 Assignment 8:


 Assignment 9:

When the Pedal Point

is the Circumcenter

 Assignment 10:

Parametric Equations

 Assignment 11:

Polar Equations

 Assignment 12:

Olympic 100 m Dash

Final Assignment

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