

Tools for GSP

By: Amanda Sawyer


This document consists of many great new tools for Geometer’s Sketchpad.  Click on any of the links to see the script and tool in use inside GSP.

Tool and Definition


Centroid: Given any three points, this application will create a central point from the segments connecting the midpoints of each side to its opposite segments vertex.

Description: CentroidAS.tiff

Orthocenter:  Given any three points, this application will find the intersection of the lines created by the three altitudes.

Description: OrthocenterAS.tiff

Orthocenter Triangle:  Given any three points, the midpoints of the line segments from the orthocenter to the vertices of the given triangle will create a triangle.

Description: THISONE.tiff

Medial Triangle: Given any three points, this application will create a triangle from the midpoints of all three sides of the given triangle.

Description: MedialTriangleAS.tiff

Orthic Triangle: Given any three points, this application will create a triangle from the feet of the altitudes of the given triangle.

Description: OrthicTriAs.tiff

Square:  Given any two points, this application will create a quadrilateral with four sides of equal length and four angle of congruent measure.

Description: Square.tiff

Equilateral Triangle: Give two points, this application will create a triangle with equal sides length and congruent angle measure.

Description: EqualTriAs.tiff

Isosceles Triangle: Given a base and an altitude, the application will create an isosceles triangle.

Description: IssTriAs.tiff

Pedal Triangle: Given any four points, this application will create a triangle and a pedal triangle from the given fourth point.

Description: PedalTriangleAS.tiff

Euler’s Line Segment: Given any three points, this application will connect the triangles orthocenter and circumcenter which is our Euler’s Line Segment.  The midpoint of our Euler’s Line Segment is the center of the nine point circle.

Description: EulerLineAs.tiff

Nine Point Circle:  Given any three points, a circle is created from the midpoints of each of the triangles sides, foot of each of the altitudes, and the midpoint of each line segment from the orthocenter to a vertex.

Description: NinePointCircleAS.tiff

Square Stellation:  Given any two points, this application will create a star created from a square and four equilateral triangles.

Description: SquareStellationAS.tiff

Incenter:  Given any three points, this application will find it’s incenter and its inscribed circle

Description: incen.tiff

Circumcenter: Given any three points, this application will find it’s circumcenter and its circumscribed circle.

Description: circ.tiff

Pentagon (Given a Radius): Given a radius, this application creates a regular pentagon.

Description: PentagonAS.tiff

Pentagon (Given a Side): Given a side, this application creates a regular pentagon.

Description: PentagonSideAS.tiff

Hexagon (Given a Side): Given a side, this application creates a regular hexagon.

Description: HexagonSideAS.tiff

Hexagon (Given a Radius): Given a radius, this application creates a regular hexagon

Description: HexagonRadiusAS.tiff

Octagon (Given a Radius): Given a radius, this application creates a regular octagon.

Description: OctogonRadiusAS.tiff

Octagon (Given a Side): Given a side, this application creates a regular octagon.

Description: OctagonSideAS.tiff


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