By Ronald Aguilar
Here we are looking at polar equations. Polar equations are math functions in the form of using the polar coordinate system. The graph below is the form
. As you can see it looks like a spiral. In order to graph these functions the points are in the form (r,
). r is the polar distance and
is the polar angle.
Here is the equation below for the graph . This is an example of a cardioid, a certain curve to limacons. As you can see it has a heart shape.
Equations of cardioids have a and b, . When in degrees the angle ranges from 0 to 180 deg. or the angle can range from 0 to 2
. The value a scales the curve and the addition or substraction sign denotes the orientation.
Lets see what happens if change the a and b variable.
There are different kinds of polar equations such as circles, limacons, cardiods, and etc...
We MUST use the following conversions to find a polar equation: ,
In order to convert the equations from rectangular form(what does this mean) to polar form we must set solve r in terms of . We cannot divide the equation by r, we must factor. In order to convert the equations from polar form to rectangular form we must divide both sides of the equation by r but do not if there is an trigonometric function in the denominator. Next, we square both sides if there is r and a constant.
In order to help graph polar equations there are three different types of symmetry that must be noted and examined. This symmetry along the x-axis, y-axis, and the origin. So the polar axis, the line , and the pole.
Equations of limacons cannot have a and b equal to zero.
Rose petal curves have the equations in form of or