I'm Liz and welcome to my page! I was born and raised in Roswell, GA. I graduated from UGA in May with a degree in psychology. I am currently in the MAT program getting my masters in math education. Now you may be thinking that psychology and math are not really related and this is right. I came into UGA freshman year as a math education major and then switched to psychology. I had a different career path in mind when I chose psychology as a major, but then decided I wanted to be a high school math teacher. Currently, I work for Bud Light as a part time promotions girl. We go downtown and hand out free merchandise to patrons drinking Anheinser Bush beverages. It's a very fun job and easy, because I am a pretty socialable individual. I am a very active person; I do triathlons and am on the UGA Tri team. I also enjoy running half marathons. In the spring of 2011 I studied abroad in Verona, Italy and have been wanting to return since I arrived back in the US. It was hands down the best experience of my life and I am saving up for my next trip across the pond. But no matter how much I love Europe, there is no place I would ever want to put down roots other than the south!