Mary Ellen Graves

Hello! My name is Mary Ellen Graves. Although it is a mouth full, I do prefer to go by Mary Ellen. And, yes, you have assumed correctly that with a double name I am from the South. I grew up in South Carolina and received a degree in Historic Preservation and Community Planning with a minor in Spanish from the College of Charleston, dubbed the "College of Knowledge". I chose not to use the vast knowledge I gained at CofC in a future career, and decided instead to pursue a career in secondary mathematics education. I was accepted into the University of Georgia's Master of the Arts in Teaching (MAT) program, and I am currently taking classes with the hope of graduating Fall 2013. Coming from the beautiful city of Charleston, I was a little uncertain of the adjustments I would have to make living in Athens. However, soon after moving to this Dawg territory my doubts were lifted, and my time here has been thoroughly enjoyable and exciting! And of course football season is a perk (even though the College of Charleston Cougars are techniquely undefeated)! I am looking forward to the next year and a half in graduate school, and I am looking forward to what the future holds even more!

Please feel free to contact me:

Mary Ellen Graves