Assignment #2

Exploring graphs of the parabola


Summer D. Brown

In this write-up, I will investigate and discuss what happens when two of the values for a, b, and c are fixed and the third varies.


Let's start by varying a and fixing b and c.

Let b = 1 and c = 1. Examine the following graphs...














There are several comments I would like to make about the above graphs and what occurs as the value of a changes.

First, it is rather obvious that when a is positive, the parabola faces upwards. When a is negative, the parabola faces down.

Second, in every case, the parabola passes through the point (0,1). In fact, by exploring different fixed values for c, one can observe that the parabola will always pass through the point (0,c). Click here to change the value of c in Graphing Calculator.

The parabola always remains tangent to the line y = x + 1 at the point (0,1). To generalize, the parabola will always remain tangent to the line y = x + c at the point (0,c).

Third, you will notice that the vertex of the parabola changes as a changes. As a approaches +/- infinity, the vertex of the parabola approaches (0,c). The parabola becomes more "skinny." Also, the parabola widens as the absolute value of a gets smaller, i.e., as a approaches 0. When a is 0, the parabola degenerates into a line corresponding to the equation y = bx + c.

If you were to trace the path of the vertex of the parabola as a changes, you would form a straight line. This line is shown below in yellow.

The y-intercept of this line is at (0,1). One can calculate the slope of the line by using two coordinates of two parabola's vertices. In this example, with b=1 and c=1, the equation for the yellow line is:

By exploring other fixed values of b and c, one comes to the conclusion that as a changes, the vertices of the parabolas will move along the line:

Click here to test the equation with different values of b and c.

Click here to animate the graph as a changes.

Now let's explore what happens as we vary the value of b, and fix the values of a and c.

Let a = 1 and c = 1. Examine the following graphs...















Here, the size and shape of the parabola remains the same. However, the location of the parabola changes as b varies.

In every case, the parabola passes through the point (0,1). In fact, the parabola will always pass through the point (0,c) and remain tangent to the line y = bx + c at this point.

Let's explore the location of each vertex of the above parabolas. If we were to trace a path along the location of each vertex as b changes, we would trace out a path of another parabola. In this example, the parabola would be facing down and have its vertex at the point (0,1). This path is the parabola: , which is shown in yellow below.

Notice that the vertex of each graph passes through this parabola.

If we were to explore with various values of a and c, we would find a general formula for this parabola:

As b changes, the location of the vertex of the parabola moves along this path.

Click here to test the equation with different values of a and c.

Click here to animate the graph of as b changes and a and c remain fixed.

Last, let's explore what happens as we vary the value of c, and fix the values of a and b.

Let a = 1 and b = 1. Examine the following graphs...













Again, the size and shape of the parabola remain the same as c changes. However, the location of the parabola does change.

The parabola shifts up or down depending on the value of c. If c is positive, the parabola shifts up c units from the standard graph, , or when c equals 0. If c is negative, the parabola shifts down c units.

If we trace the vertex of each parabola as c changes, we trace out a path of a vertical line. In this example, the line is:

, which is shown in yellow below.

The vertex of each parabola passes through this yellow line.


Click here to explore the above graphs with different values of a and b.

Click here to animate the graph as c changes.

In conclusion, varying the values of a, b, or c in the graph of

can cause changes in the shape and/or location of the parabola.


Extensions of this problem may be to explore the graph of:

as the values of a, b, c, and d vary.

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