Polar Equations
Problem: Investigate
When a and b are equal, and k is an interger, this is a shape of the "n-leaf rose."
Let's look at the graph when a and b are equal, and k are various integers and the other one when a and b are the various same integers, and k is fixed.
Also, let's compare the graphs when we cosine function is replaced with
sine function.
So, we can know that a and b just decide the size of the graph when a and b are equal.
Click here if you would enjoy the shapes of the "n-leaf rose" for various n.
Let's compare the above one with
Let's look at the graph when b is fixed, and k is various integer
and the other one when b is various integer, and k is
First, let's look at the graph when b is fixed as 1, and k is various
Secondly, let's look at the graph when b is various integer, and k is fixed as 1.
So, we can conclude that b is related to the radius and k is related to the period of the graph.
And sine function change the direction of the graph.