Let us begin Assignment #8 with the construction of triangle ABC.
Now we will construct the Orthocenter H of triangle ABC.
Now let us view the contruction of triangle HBC and its orthocenter.
The Orthocenter of triangle HBC lies on Point A of the original triangle ABC. Explore further with GSP Triangle HBC.gsp
We will continue our exploration with the construction of the Orthocenter for triangle HAB (which is at point C)
and triangle HAC (which is at Point B).
Now we will construct the circumcircles of triangles ABC, HBC, HAB, and HAC.
R is the circumcenter of triangle ABC.
S is the circumcenter of triangle HBC. It lies along the midpoint of line BC and the circumcenter of triangle ABC which is point R.
T is the circumcenter of triangle HAB. It lies along the line of the midpoint of line AB and the circumcenter of triangle ABC which is Point R.
U is the circumcenter of triangle HAC. U lies along the midpoint of line AC and Point R.
We will continue with Assignment #8 by using various links and constructions.
Now let's construct the nine
point circle for triangles ABC, HBC, HAC, and HAB. Nine
Point Circles
This link will explore triangle
ABC and its incircle, its three excircles and its nine-point circle.
This construction views the
orthic triangle and its relationship to the altitudes and the
circumcircle. Assn#8OrthicTriangle.html
Proof for Orthocenter and
its perpendiculars. Assn #8
Construction and exploration
for internal angle bisectors. Assn#8
Internal Angle Bisectors.html
Reflections with respect
to triangle ABC, its orthocenter, and circumcircle for triangle
ABH. Reflections of Triangle
Find the minimal perimeter
of a triangle inscribed in a given triangle. Assn
#8 Problem.html
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