Ticket out the Door

1. Explain how to find a percent of increase


2. Explain how to find the sales tax if you know the rate of tax.


3.Write the equation you would use to find the percent of increase on a car that cost $17,972 in 1995 and $19,705 in 1996.


4. Assess Yourself Find an advertisement or article in the newspaper that shows a percent of change. Determine whether it is a percent of increase or decrease. Explain your reasoning. (Due tomorrow and worth 3 points)


State whether each percent of change is a percent of increase or a percent of decrease. Then find the percent of increase or decrease.

5. orginal: $50; new: $70


6.original: 72 ounces; new: 36 ounces


7. Find the final price of the item. When there is a discount and sales tax, first compute the discount price and then compute the sales tax and final price.

Atheletic shoes: $89.99

Discount: 10%

Sales Tax: 6 %


8. Sales Kevin Mason paid $205.80 for his senior class photographs. This included 5% sales tax. What was the cost of the pictures before taxes?




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